Thursday, March 29, 2012

What did we do on Monday, March 26?

Hello, people! Here's a quick recap of what happened last Monday.

The outtakes are pretty funny and include Jonny playing out-of-tune guitar, a glass of water getting knocked down as we get up, and other funny screw ups.

Aside making that little video, we worked a little more on Springboard, which is pretty close to being done, and jammed.

Marv came by later on, and he, Jonny and I played a song that Marv's been working on. The goal is to perform it live at one of Marv's Fire Your Boss shows.

Another studio night coming up. I'm going to try to get some deadlifts in before going there. By the way, if you need a personal trainer, let me know. I might know somebody. ;)

Take care.

Guests: Marv (.4) and Ethan


  1. And!!! Ethan shot Stan's Crotch multiple times.

  2. Yes, you could see that in the video.
